A Typical Day at Newtown
9.15am - Drop off time, settling in activities and ‘Hello time’ (Register)
9.20am - Wake up Rhyme Time, activities to get us moving and thinking
9.30am - 10.15am – Outdoor physical play with free-flow snack time. Tricycles, scooters, climbing frames, balls and other active play equipment is available, in addition to our other outdoor play areas. This active play time enables your child’s body and brain to ‘wake up and switch on’ ready for the more focussed play-based learning which follows snack time. Your child can choose when to have a snack during these times. Our café style snack table is available indoors, or outside in good weather, staffed at all times. Milk, water, a choice of fruit or raw veg and a healthy snack such as pitta bread, ricecakes or breadsticks are on offer.
10.15am - 11.25am – Free flow indoor/outdoor play – your child chooses where and how s/he would like to play and learn. During this time a wide range of activities is available in the classroom and playground/outdoor learning area. These activities will vary from child-selected to adult-supported, with differing levels of adult support depending on the activity. Ratio of adults:children is always 1:8 and sometimes higher. Activities will include, on a rotating basis, small group activities with an adult focussing on crafts, finding out or discovery, numbers and literacy, amongst other things. Each day a different Key group will also meet during this time – a chance for all the children in a Key group to meet and enjoy a fun and nurturing activity with their Key worker, for 10-15 minutes (once per week for each Key group).
11.25am - Tidy up time
11.30am - Story/singing/rhyme time – in small groups
12pm - Lunch register and handwashing
12.15pm - 12.45pm Lunch - All children at pre-school may stay for lunch. Children bring their own packed lunch and a drink, and sit down to eat together. In line with our Healthy eating policy we suggest no crisps, sweets or fizzy drinks. After eating there is time for restful play and a story.
12.45pm - Start of afternoon session. Atfernoon register. Settling in and time to welcome children who have arrived for the afternoon – free play and choice of activities. Relaxation time for younger children.
1.30pm - Free flow activities inside and out, as during the morning session. No matter which session your child attends, the opportunities to experience a range of learning activities, in the classroom, the playground or out and about are the same.
2.45pm – Free flow snack time available until 3.00pm
3.10pm - Tidy up time – We all work together to tidy up and get ready for story time and singing
3.30pm - Small group stories/singing/rhymes/music time or whole group story
3.45pm - Time to go home